Welcome to our consultation website for our proposals for Colindale Gardens
Operating for over 40 years, Redrow is one of the UK’s leading developers. We are proud to make a positive impression in the communities in which we build, by using our creative talents to craft developments that are attractive and welcoming. We always use high-quality materials and landscaping, designed to leave a lasting legacy.
This exhibition presents Redrow’s plans for the final phase of development at Colindale Gardens and outlines our next steps.
Placemaking principles are at the heart of our strategy for Colindale Gardens.
- Listen to learn
- Community investment and homes for all
- Built to impress
- Places to go and things to do
- Easy to get around
- Streets for life and nature for people
Contact us
In the meantime, if you have any further questions please contact the project team via the details below:
0800 298 7040
Developing Local Skills
A diverse, skilled labour force is needed to deliver Colindale Gardens with hundreds people working on site each day. Construction will continue for an estimated period of 5 years, but Redrow is keen to complete these works as soon as possible, while limited disruption to neighbours. Redrow is actively working in Barnet to improve the constriction industry’s access to talented, ambitious people with the right skills to build quality homes for customers.
Delivering Homes
In December 2015 Barnet Council granted planning permission for the redevelopment of the 20 hectare former Peel Centre. The permission was part ‘outline’ and part ‘detailed’.
This development comprises 2,900 homes including 1, 2, 3 and 3 bedroom apartments, duplexes and houses. Redrow is working partnership with Barnet Homes, Sage Homes, Peabody and L&Q to offer a mix of tenures.
In May 2021 Barnet Council granted planning permission for the final stage (Stage 3) of the Colindale Gardens development, to comprise and additional 1,200 homes and new flexible retail spaces. Redrow remains committed to the delivery of a variety of unit sizes and tenure, and will provide 35% affordable housing across Stage 3.
In addition to homes, Colindale Gardens includes:
- Neighbourhood centre with shops and cafes/restaurants
- Primary school
- Nursery
- Health Centre
- 4 Hectares of open space, providing attractive walking and cycling routes
The Masterplan
At Colindale Gardens, Redrow has appointed an experienced, professional design team to ensure that quality is at the core of the project.
Residents are living in Stage 1 and Stage 2 is partly occupied and also under construction. Stage 3, which includes Y, Z and V, occupies the eastern-most part of Colindale Gardens closest to the M1 motorway. The approved designs for Stages 1 and 2 already include 2,812 homes of the total 2,900 homes granted in the 2015 planning permission. This provided an opportunity to look at Stage 3 of the masterplan, and in 2021 a further 1,200 homes were approved in outline.
Our proposals for Blocks V, Y and Z
With delivery of the Colindale Gardens masterplan now almost complete, only Blocks V, Y and Z in stage 3 remain in need of detailed planning consent and today’s exhibition sets out our detailed plans in this location.
Overall, this final plots of plan will deliver 775 new homes in buildings ranging from 6 to 25 storeys in height. We will deliver apartments in a range of types and tenures designed to directly address Barnet’s current housing needs. Of the 775 new homes, 269 (35%) will be allocated for shared ownership or local cost rented accommodation.
Overall, our plans aim to bring together:
- Residential courtyards
- New publicly accessible spaces
- Completing links through and across the site
- Responds to environment
A new commercial hub
We believe that this final Stage at Colindale Gardens will be able to support a new commercial hub, and we have therefore included a space on the corner of Building V4, next to Garden Square East.
This space will be flexible, creating a space that will help local people to meet, engage and interact.
Blocks V, Y and Z – Sketch Images
Landscaping & Connectivity
This final phase includes four new public spaces – Garden Square East and Rowan Gardens, alongside two new pocket parks north of Blocks Y and V.
Our approach to the design of these spaces is consistent with the landscaping principles across Colindale Gardens – providing a network of green infrastructure and green spaces which in turn helps to improve connectivity to and through the site for pedestrians and cyclists.
Overall, our plans will:
- Create a safe environment which people can enjoy at any time of day
- Enhance wildlife and biodiversity
- Creating opportunities for both formal and informal play
- Bring together connectivity, open spaces, tree planting & bio-diversity
Next Steps
In working up the design for these final three buildings, our architects PRP are incorporating Redrow’s Placemaking Principles to ensure that the proposals meet the high standards of design already set at Colindale Gardens.
We are looking to submit our ‘Reserved Matters’ planning application soon, and we anticipate that the application will be determined by Barnet Council’s Strategic Planning Committee later this year.
We welcome your views and would like to hear from you, so please fill in a feedback form or email us:
Thank you for visiting and providing your feedback on the proposals.
Have your say
Do let us know your views on this final phase of Stage 3 which, when it is finished, will see the new neighbourhood at Colindale Gardens completed.
Simply fill in the online comments form here and once you press submit, your views will be sent directly to the project team.
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